Pirouette Flourish is one trick flourish, where you Rotate one card in one hand, this trick flourish is perfect to end your Flourish combo card.
1. Hold your card right in the middle, with your middle finger and thumb under the top in a horizontal position, with your right hand.
2. Place your index finger beside middle finger. Use index finger to push the card to the left, opposite the clockwise direction until the angle reaches approximately 45 degrees.
Ups !!! something wrong with my picture :D . . .
(Looks From Under)
3. Pull your index finger back quickly, so it will pull the card to the right. At the same time, lift the index finger and your thumb to release the pressure from the card. Be sure to pull the index finger and release your thumb at the same time to produce a perfect lap.
3. Pull your index finger back quickly, so it will pull the card to the right. At the same time, lift the index finger and your thumb to release the pressure from the card. Be sure to pull the index finger and release your thumb at the same time to produce a perfect lap.
I to lazy for edit my image :P. . ..
in that picture written Pull right index finger quickly :D . . .
4. If you dont understand what i write in this posting (maybe because my language english is bad :'() just look in video . . . .