Music is the One Element Important If you want to perform on the Stage, On This Time I will Help You Find Example the music, that can be used in your performance on the stage. Here we are @!!!!
1. Theme Song Romi Rafael (Format FLV)
One example is used backsound Romi Rafael when his show, nuance Techno, taken from Youtube.
2. hypnotic Music
Two Example Music That Can be use for Strengthen Your hypnotic Effect.
3. Requiem
Music nuance gloomy and calmly, perfect for hypnosis and astral projection. Used in the show "Trick or Treat" Derren Brown
4. Eine Kleine Nachtmusik
Instruments cheerful nuance Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart's creations, often used by magicians like Lance Burton Magic Classic and David Copperfield on stage to show the nuance legerdemain cheerful, elegant, and energetic.
5. Criss Angel Mindfreak Song
Rock songs Singing by the Mindfreak Criss Angel as an opening in each of his magic show.