During this time, games and XCM Flourish always filled with figures of men like Daniel Madison, Dan and Dave Buck, Brian Tudor, and other names. The question is, is there a card flourisher woman? Doubt I missed some time ago when I watched a video card Flourish of a woman named Ekaterina Dobrokhotova magician. Here's the video:
he emergence of this video on Youtube channel made me try to explore video Flourish from Ekaterina in channelnya on Youtube. In addition to cards Flourish, Ekaterina was also an international female magician who has performed in various countries. One of the videos that amaze me is the magic coin that is played with very simple, but made with very interesting so impressed elegantly:
Lately, Ekaterina also follows a competition in the Stonyfield website. If you want to support Ekaterina, you can visit # c http://stonyfield.ca/en/promotions/id/42/s/v page and clicking the "Cast to Vote" just below video.Informasi more about Ekaterina also be obtained at the following link: